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ゆいゆい国頭 (2019-01-19)
One of sightseeing. Cape Hedo is located at the north end of Okinawa main iland.
  ytv道の駅部さんPooh Kumakenさん137の加藤さんルピナスさんbabukunさんSモンキーさんアジールフライヤーさんやたろさんがっちーさん川カッパさんEURO-R親父さんNatzさんHCB47さん越後屋さんNiners16さん花ざくろさんびぃとさん、)

Could you look far Yoron-island, one of Amami Archipelago? (Pooh Kumakenさん)
Thank you for your comments. Sorry, I could not find the iland.I do not know which iland is the one!(Hidem8778さん)

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