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6002件中  2071 - 2100件目

日 付 道 の 駅 コメント 投稿者
19/08/14 兵庫県:あまるべ 【1111/1156】Check in, get the stamps, photo for the road station sign. Hidem8778さん
19/08/14 兵庫県:山陰海岸ジオパーク浜坂の郷 Check in, get the stamp. Hidem8778さん
19/08/14 鳥取県:きなんせ岩美 Check in, get the stamp and photo for the road station sign. Hidem8778さん
19/08/14 鳥取県:燕趙園 Check in, get the stamps, photo for the road station sign and ticket(No.1930) Hidem8778さん
19/08/14 鳥取県:三朝・楽市楽座 Check in, get the stamp and ticket(No.3412) Hidem8778さん
19/08/14 鳥取県:大栄 Check in, get the road station sign.Unfortunately I was told the tickets are ... Hidem8778さん
19/08/14 鳥取県:北条公園 Check in, get the stamp and photo for the road station sign. Hidem8778さん
19/08/14 鳥取県:西いなば気楽里 【1152/1154】Here is main mission of today!Get the stamps, photo for the road s... Hidem8778さん
19/08/14 兵庫県:あいおい白龍城 【1108/1156】Check in, get the stamps,photo for the road station sign, road st... Hidem8778さん
19/08/14 兵庫県:みつ 【1107/1156】Check in, get the stamps,photo for the road station sign, road st... Hidem8778さん
19/08/13 香川県:瀬戸大橋記念公園 【1106/1156】Check in only! Now check in for Shikoku area is completed!! Hidem8778さん
19/08/13 香川県:恋人の聖地 うたづ臨海公園 【1105/1156】Check in only! The road station is closed. Hidem8778さん
19/08/13 香川県:ふれあいパークみの 【1104/1156】Check in, get the stamp and photo for the road station sign. Do n... Hidem8778さん
19/08/13 香川県:ことひき 【1103/1156】Check in, get the stamp and ticket(No.4518) Hidem8778さん
19/08/13 香川県:とよはま 【1102/1156】Check in, get the stamp, photo for the road station sign, and tic... Hidem8778さん
19/08/13 愛媛県:霧の森 【1101/1156】Check in, get the stamp, photo for the road station certification... Hidem8778さん
19/08/13 徳島県:大歩危 【1100/1156】Check in, get the stamp, photo for the road station sign and tick... Hidem8778さん
19/08/13 徳島県:にしいや Check in, get the stamp, photo for the road station sign and ticket(No, 4181) Hidem8778さん
19/08/13 高知県:南国風良里 Check in, get the stamps. I have entered the Shikoku Kouchi Area Stamp Rally... Hidem8778さん
19/08/13 高知県:大杉 Check in, get the stamp, photo for the road station sign. Hidem8778さん
19/08/13 高知県:土佐さめうら Check in, get the stamp, photo for the road station sign and ticket(No.1447 ... Hidem8778さん
19/08/13 高知県:633美の里 Check in and get the stamp . Hidem8778さん
19/08/13 高知県:土佐和紙工芸村 Check in only! Hidem8778さん
19/08/12 高知県:土佐和紙工芸村 Check in, get the stamp. Before coming here, we have visited KATSURAHAMA whe... Hidem8778さん
19/08/12 高知県:美良布 Check in, get the stamp(colored pink) and photo for the road station sign! Hidem8778さん
19/08/12 高知県:やす Check in, get the stamp, photo for the road station sign and ticket(No.2355) ... Hidem8778さん
19/08/12 高知県:大山 Check in, get the stamp and ticket(No.1970).Have a lunch!! Hidem8778さん
19/08/12 高知県:田野駅屋 Check in, get the stamp. Hidem8778さん
19/08/12 高知県:キラメッセ室戸 Check in, get the stamp and ticket(No.2927) Hidem8778さん
19/08/12 徳島県:宍喰温泉 Check in, get the stamp. Hidem8778さん

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